Around Here it’s Locket Season
Some people say it's pumpkin season. Some people say it's spooky season and some people say it's fall, but around here it's locket season. 😋 The Tapestry locket is
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By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:08:15-06:00October 23rd, 2020|From Our Shop|
Some people say it's pumpkin season. Some people say it's spooky season and some people say it's fall, but around here it's locket season. 😋 The Tapestry locket is
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:13:29-06:00October 21st, 2020|From Our Shop|
"These are a few of my favorite things 😍⠀ ⠀ I love layered necklaces and these are two of my favorites from @gigispetals . The initial relationship necklace was an anniversary
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:13:35-06:00October 19th, 2020|From Our Shop|
Made for all the mamas sharing their hearts every day with the little people that mean the most to them! 🤎 These mama bar necklaces are made with sterling silver,
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:08:59-06:00October 10th, 2020|Family, From Our Shop|
🍍 Let's talk statistics for a minute.🍍 . 1 in 8 of 7.4 million women of reproductive age have received help for infertility in their lifetime. 12% of married women
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:09:13-06:00October 8th, 2020|From Our Shop|
We have so much fun with our 9mm necklaces. 🏙️🍩🌊 I know - sounds a little weird to say that, but honestly we get order requests for our most popular
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:12:16-06:00October 2nd, 2020|From Our Shop|
Personalizing jewelry pieces that mean even more to you than the little letters I stamp onto each of your pieces, means so much to me. I love the people
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:12:46-06:00September 10th, 2020|Family, From Our Shop|
When the littlest kisses are the sweetest! 😘 I miss the days of the little baby kisses. That season of motherhood is past for me. But now
By Katie Reall|2021-03-09T10:14:41-06:00September 1st, 2020|From Our Shop|
Porch, baby, and nature envy all in one picture. Your sweet little ones are why we make our initial necklaces - whatever way you want them. We
By Katie Reall|2023-04-03T16:13:37-05:00August 24th, 2020|From Our Shop|
Lolo showed her mothers necklace to her husband after we sent it to her and she said his heart melted. It has all of their initials on it.
Let us know if you have any questions. We’ll generally respond within one business day.